Commercial Inspection Associates, Inc.
Professional service throughout Florida
Whether you are property manger, financial institution or commercial property investor or realtor we promise you the highest levels of service in the industry.
Unlike most of our competitors our inspectors are highly experienced and are either code certified or licensed contractors and have had experience in the commercial building industry.
All property Condition assessments (PCAs) are performed to ASTM 2018-01 standards carried out on all major components in the building. Our PCAs commonly include a scope of work document, a detailed bound computer generated report including photographs. These include photographs using infrared cameras if required. We can also include a list of required repairs.
We have worked with many associations to help them understand the condition of there properties and advised them on planned maintenance & repairs. We have also performed phased inspections to ensure the quality of the repairs being carried are up to a required standard and meet all local building codes.
Residential / Commercial Wind Mitigation Inspections
The state department of financial services has mandated that all residential / commercial insurance carriers offer premium discounts for any mitigation features within condo complex buildings. We at Commercial Inspection Associates have worked with many Condo associations and there insurance company’s in ensuring that they get the maximum discounts available for there buildings sometimes saving the association tens of thousands of dollars every year.
Please call us on 1-866 755 0076 or e mail us at For more information